Special Note: Research has shown the direct impact of humidity, temperature and airborne particulate matter on the rate of virus infections. RESET’s publicly available standards for hardware, software, installation and project performance, help provide a framework for tracking these parameters in a comparable manner so that the data can serve research, building operations and communication efforts. If you have specialty needs regarding the development and implementation of a COVID19 plan for your property, please reach out to us: info@reset.build

How it works

RESET prioritizes on-going results and long-term occupant health. It requires data to be live streamed to the cloud via multi-parameter monitors that can be accessed from any device.

Real Time Data

The RESET Standard is results driven. RESET is the only building standard based on real time data gathered by monitors.

Health driven

The RESET Standard focuses on human health as the main target. We care about metrics that directly impact human health, such as indoor air quality.

Long Term monitoring

To apply RESET Standard, building or spaces need to be long term monitored to make sure environmental quality stays great during the occupancy phase.


RESET facilitates real time communication of indoor health data so that it can be accessed by all tenants. This can help with retaining tenants and increasing building valuation.


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