RESET Factoid #3 - Embodied Carbon for Retail Interiors vs. Core & Shell

November 22nd, 2024 17:14

Can you spot the difference between this factoid and the one from last week?


Retail spaces face a unique challenge: frequent updates and seasonal demands drive complex renovations, significantly increasing embodied carbon.

The embodied carbon of Retail Interiors can exceed that of the Core & Shell by over 3x with an 8.5-year renovation lifecycle. In a 2.5-year renovation lifecycle, it can reach more than 11x. Compared to Office Interiors, Retail Interiors generates 1.5x more embodied carbon.

“You can’t manage what you don’t measure,” said Raefer Wallis, Founder and CEO of RESET. The RESET Embodied Carbon Standard can be leveraged to help projects collect and organize embodied carbon data for both Interiors and Core & Shell, providing a measurable baseline to benchmark performance and set targets, and start the iterative journey toward reduction and regeneration.

About RESET®

RESET® is an international performance data standard and certification program, created and managed by GIGA, that offers a pathway towards decarbonization by developing actionable and measurable strategies towards regenerative sustainability and health for the built environment. RESET takes a quantitative and holistic approach to embodied and operational data by combining the development of databases, data collection, continuous monitoring, and cloud software to automate reporting and analytics, which then generates opportunities for iterative improvement and optimizations.

The RESET Embodied Standards include Embodied Carbon, Circularity, and Health, while the RESET Operational Standards include Air, Energy, Water, and Waste.

For more information about RESET, please visit: