Commercial Interiors
Raycom Infotech Park A
Beijing, China
This project is Raycom infotech center A . The building area A is 49,218 square meters, 48.5 meters high, 10 floors above ground, the 11th floor for the machine room floor, and 2 floors underground. The space applied for RESET Air Commercial Inteiror Certification is the public area of the project, and the parking floor and the machine room floor are removed. The public area of the building A is 3,600 square meters.
Project Information
Standard Type
Commercial Interiors
No.2 South Kexueyuan Road , Haidian District

RESET Air Certification Information
Type of Certification
Commercial Interiors
RESET Accredited Monitor:
RESET Accredited Data Provider:
Other Certifications
WELL Platinum